Saturday, March 27, 2010

what's your name?

it's amazing that with all the chattering that avery & i do.. that i have (gasp!) forgotten that my little 2 year old dude is working up some words of his own. recently, he learned his own name (or at least, his nick-name.. jack-jack)
up until then, if asked, "what's your name...?" he would respond, "avray".. (yes, arkansas accent).. and then with a smirk, "sissy!".. but now, he points to his chest, and proudly says, "jack-jack"!

some other words he loves:
sawsaur (dinosaur)
(and if asked, "what's a dinosaur say?".. the answer is loud, with claws.. "RARRRRR!"
GREEN! (for all colors.. but mostly, for green.. interestingly enough, this was avery's favorite color at that age!)
(mama asks..."where's lambie?". his answer, with a certain nod of the head: (wash)
(because, honestly, with the amount of love that little lambie gets, i take every opportunity i can get to toss it in the wash)
his favorite word, though, is.. still.. BOAT. (just like his daddy)

:0 well, now, aren't you all impressed?
a video and a new blog, all in 48 hours??

Friday, March 26, 2010

i did it!

yes, we finally have a blog. that's it for now. just feeling accomplished getting this far. :)